Class & Seminar Schedule
The United States Power Squadrons® have been offering boating courses and seminars to the public for over 80 years, and have instructed more than 3 million boaters. America's Boating Club of Waukegan offers these courses locally to members and non-members. We offer a variety of courses on topics such as boat handling, marine navigation, weather and engine maintenance, for example.
Our premier entry-level boating course is called America's Boating Course. This course is designed for all ages. Sometimes entire families take the course as a fun way to introduce themselves to boating. The course covers boat terminology, required equipment and regulations, boat handling, navigation rules, aids to navigation, emergencies, marine communications, all around safety, trailering techniques, personal watercraft operation and knot tying. We offer the course in person several times a year. It is also available online.
Many states require individuals under 18 to obtain a Boating Safety Certificate in order to operate a power boat with a motor over 10 hp. Students who complete the course and pass the exam are issued the certificate, which is recognized in Illinois and other states.
We publicize our upcoming courses several months in advance. Please check back here often to see what will be available in the coming months.
SAIL - Commencing January 15, 2025 at the Kenosha Yacht Club - PLEASE REGISTER BY DECEMBER 15TH
Sail is a complete sail course created to serve the needs of the novice and experienced sailor, as well as the non-sailor, for basic skills and knowledge. The course starts with basic sailboat designs and nomenclature, rigging, safety, and sail processes, and then tackles the physical aspects of sailing forces and techniques, sail applications, marlinespike, helmsmanship and handling of more difficult sailing conditions, navigation rules, and an introduction to heavy weather sailing. |
BOAT HANDLING - Commencing March 3, 2025, Warren Library, Gurnee, IL
Build boating confidence and competence for safe and fun on-the-water adventures. Boat Handling provides a foundation of knowledge and skills in boat handling and maneuvering, boat operation, skipper's responsibilities, and boating techniques that will advance your boating enjoyment. |
AMERICA'S BOATING COURSE - Commencing May 2025 at the Fox Waterway Agency, Fox Lake, IL
America's Boating Course is designed for all ages. Sometimes entire families take the course as a fun way to introduce themselves to boating. The course covers boat terminology, required equipment and regulations, boat handling, navigation rules, aids to navigation, emergencies, marine communications, all around safety, trailering techniques, personal watercraft operation and knot tying.
America's Boating Club - Course and Seminar Descriptions |
These courses and seminars are offered both online and in a classroom environment, depending on the course and the location. Not all courses are offered by all squadrons. The best thing is to check on a specific course or seminar by clicking on the link. You will find the course and seminar descriptions, and the dates and locations of when and where they are offered. |

December 2019 - Radar For Boaters course: Congratulations to our newest "graduates" Jesse Bowen, Lisa Brock, Randy Connor, Amy Gallagher, John Katzenmayer and Brian Markey for passing the Radar For Boaters course taught by instructor Rex Miller. Suffice it to say that they went the distance while bearing down on a very useful skill that will hopefully help them navigate their future!
January 2020 - Advanced Marine Navigation course: A big shout out goes to all of our newly distinguished and accomplished Advanced Pilots. Included among them are Cdr Jesse Bowen, Sue Bowen, John Gabris, Lt/C Amy Gallagher, Lt John Katzenmayer, Diana Loynes, Kathy Murphy, Matt Murphy and Lt/C Clint Rahn. They all successfully completed the challenging Advanced Marine Navigation course taught by instructors Brian Markey and Tenney Ford, providing them with the skills and wherewithall needed to confidentally cruise the seven seas and then some. Nice job everyone!
July 2020 - Offshore Navigation course: Look, it's a bird, it's a plane, no it's a celestial body! That's exactly what Jesse Bowen, Sue Bowen, John Katzenmayer and Diana Loynes, four of our very own members, explored the past four months as part of their course work to complete the USPS Offshore Navigation course ... also known as Celestial Navigation. With a sextant in hand, they spent many an hour learning how navigation was done in bygone days, sighting the sun over Lake Michigan and other local waters, and gathering the necessary data needed to reduce the sights into useful navigational information. It was under the tuteledge of their competent instructor, Mike Ludtke, that they successfully completed and passed the course. Congratulations go out to our latest "rising stars"!